I Am Michelle J

Author | Subject Matter Expert | The Good Soil Doula
Dedicated to improving maternal health and wellness outcomes through community building and education.

I Am Michelle J

Author | Subject Matter Expert | The Good Soil Doula
Dedicated to improving maternal health and wellness outcomes through community building and education.

About Michelle J. Johnson

Greetings, I'm Michelle, a 20-something mother of one who has dedicated her time to service across many avenues of work. I am a lover of many things, including Trader Joe's, a number of podcasts, spending time with family, and prioritizing rest. Yet beyond these facets, I'm driven by a profound mission to revolutionize the support provided to often marginalized women within the discourse of doula care.

Schedule a consultation with me! I'm thrilled to discuss how I can help make your pregnancy an unforgettable experience for you or your loved ones. My background boasts a Sociology B.A. from Morgan State University, while my credentials include being a Trained Postpartum Doula, a Postpartum Support Peer Mentor, an Author, a Certified Community Health Worker, a Count The Kicks Ambassador, and certified in First Aid/CPR. Proficient in Virtual/Remote Support, Newborn Care, Basic PP Nutrition, and Baby Wearing Support, I stand poised to facilitate a holistic and empowering journey into parenthood.

Good Soil Momma

Good Soil Momma was founded with one thing in mind: village. While pregnant with my daughter, I emphasized the importance of having and maintaining a team of people who would support and be a positive reinforcement to the foundation I tried to build. As life would have it, I experienced many highs and lows during this time, and I attribute my healing to the dedication of those who surrounded me. Good Soil symbolizes that experience and how anything can grow in good soil.

We also believe every birthing person should have complete autonomy over their birth and postpartum experience. Every support system should acknowledge, affirm and respect the decisions made by the birthing person. Every birthing person should be confident in their choices and in their role to and through the 4th trimester.

Mom Support Package 1

  • 1 Planning Appointment
  • A Custom Support Plan
  • 3 Support Shifts @ 3 hours each- during this time, I am available to provide assistance around the home, with the newborn and self-care assistance.
  • Freezer Goodies
  • 24-hour email /support
  • Push Gift (included with every package)

Mom Support Package 2

  • 1 Planning Appointment ( this can include a doctors appt)
  • Custom Support Plan
  • 6 Support Shifts @ 3 hours each
  • Freezer Goodies
  • 24-hour email/support
  • Push Gift ( included with every package)

Mom Support Package 3

  • 1 Planning Appointment
  • Custom Support Plan
  • 9 Support Shifts @ 3 hours each
  • Freezer Goodies
  • 24-hour email/support
  • Push Gift ( included with every package)
  • Immediate Support After Birth
  • Village Party for Mom + Family / Mom + Friends


  • Village Party
  • Postpartum Photo Session
  • V-Steam (Coming Soon)

Interested in anything you don’t see? Ask me about it!

New Release: Planted In Good Soil

With a unique blend of vulnerability, resilience, and wisdom, Michelle takes readers on an emotional expedition through the landscapes of heartbreak, young adulthood, and the transformative role of motherhood.

Lessons From Flowers

"Lessons from Flowers" by Michelle Johnson is a captivating and insightful exploration of the profound wisdom and beauty that can be found in the natural world. Drawing parallels between the delicate elegance of various flowers and the intricate tapestry of human experiences, the book offers readers a unique perspective on personal growth, resilience, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. From the patience of a bud waiting to bloom to the inevitability of fading petals, the author masterfully connects these natural phenomena to our own emotional landscapes. Her prose reminds us that, like flowers, our experiences are an integral part of a larger, interconnected ecosystem.

Contact Michelle J Johnson

Service Areas: Maryland & Delaware

Connect with Michelle

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Copyright by Michelle J Johnson. All rights reserved. Designed by SRJWebsites.